Tuesday, April 15, 2014


What do you think about farmers raise fish? Do you know the taste difference between catching from the ocean and rasing them? From experience I can taste the difference between them. When you get them out of the ocean its a fresh taste and still has that ocean taste. Farm rasied like the fish you get at Costco. America is thinking about putting all stores with fresh fish. If you know the difference between them it will be bad.
 what would you do if you where in charge with the supermarkets what would you do? I think we should just stop and think about this for a second. I think it depends on the person. I think it doesn't

matter what they do. Yes, it would be good for all the fish in the ocean but some people prefer taste.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Motorcycle Helmets

What did you think when you first read this title? Maybe someone is coming out with a new helmets coming out? Well am sorry to ruin your imagination, but more people are dying on motorcycles from not wearing a helmet. Remember in Middle school how you went over a drug unit in health? And talked about how teenagers think its so cool not smoke? Well think about the helmet this way. Do you think the people on the motorcycle think its cool not to wear a helmet? Well to the graphs seen on different website people think its childish to wear a helmet. Its not so cool when you die is it. NO!

 What would you do if you where president to prevent this problem?  If you would ask me, I would like to make it a law to wear a helmet. If you are seen without one you will be charged. Many people are losing there life from silly thinks. Let think through this. Death is not a laughing matter. Think before you drive!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Missing Airplane?

March 14th 2014, The biggest news in the 20th century. The plane "crash". What do you think? Do you think they will ever find it? Do  you believe that they found any part of the plane? even a wring? Well to tell you the truth they didn't. That they thought was parts of the plane turned out to be a bunch of fishing things that someone lost that had to be carried by the water miles and miles. If the fishing stuff traveled a long way where do you think the plane might be?
Honestly, if you asked me I think the plane is deep down in the ocean where honestly no one will find it. The people are all dead and there is no way they could live. If you think about it, its been 28 days and they is no sign of it. How do you expect people to live if there been gone for 28 days? You never know, They might be on a island that they could live off of for a bit. We don't know. And we might not ever know.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Califorina Drought

The Bay Area finally got some rain on Sunday, but not nearly enough to spark hopes of a string of powerful storms swooping down from Alaska. It got almost 0.85 inches of rain. Coming from a state that's a rainforest(Alaska). Bay area has only got only got 1.75 inches of rain since July 1st,2013. Famer Marsha Habib Said  "There will not be enough rain for us to plant any crops"

 This can be very good for Bay Area, but not so much the rest of California. most of are produce comes from farms all over California. This can effect not just California but the rest of the united states. We might not get tomato  

If you want more info about this vist this website

Thursday, January 9, 2014

10 Ways to make your New year's resaltion less with plastic waste

The untied states have been having a alot of plastic waste not recycled. The bottle sodas and water bottle that we use can cover the whole world 3 times. throwing whip cream cubbies away is a big waste. during the summer when you need something cold to drink and you go to a gas station and get soda, what do you do with that bottle? You don't even think about recycling it. you just throw it away. Well by throwing all these plastic cubbies

 If I could put a stop to this there is many things a would do. Here is just a list of things that can could help......ALOT

1.) Re use Whip Cream cubbies and use them as tubewear. Put your leftovers in them. If you don't eat them and they rot just throw out the left over and put it in the dishwasher or hand wash it. you can use it many times.
2.) Buying water. Save the water bottles and refill them. We will understand if they break. if you have a perfect plastic water bottle left over RE USE IT.
3.) BRING YOUR OWN BAG SHOPPING! store go thro over 1000 pound of plastic bags a year. using your recycling bags you can save a;ll that plastic by $500 dolla rs.