Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Amazon Rainforest

 Everybody in round the earth says that cutting trees down in the Amazon is bad. It can be in some ways. Over 700 trees have been cut down in the Amazon. Problems that this causes is, the animals in the Amazon will soon not have a place to live. That mean s there will not be those types of animals anymore. It also would cause the whole country of Brazil to be poor. They mostly make there money off of tourist that come to see the rainforest and to see the different types of animals that live in the amazon.

  If I was in charge of the Amazon I would not like to have tree be cut down. The Amazon is a beautiful place and many people that went there said they would love to go back. The Amazon is home of many animals and they love there home just like you loves your. If we cut down these tress there will be  many animals that will be insticit. We need to keep the Amazon here for many genrations. It is a quite amazing family trip and we need to keep it that way. They need to go find other trees to cut down and leave the beautiful  Amazon Rainforest alone.
Amazon Rainforest Today

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